We're all pretty much stuck at home this weekend with limited options of entertaining ourselves. Here a few things you can do without completely violating the #StayHome order.

If your county/city allows you to go outside you should try going on a hike. You can go from home to car, car to hike and back. And if have a friend who wants to meet you on a trail you can be together and still keep the recommended six feet apart.

Just because IRL Netflix and Chill is no longer an option that doesn't mean you can't watch a movie or two with a friend. Netflixparty.com is a cool site that sync's up your play times with a friend and stream. The app was previously used for those in long distance situations but is receiving more traffic due to COVID-19 related isolation. Try this out if you are missing watching your favorite shows with your favorite people!

Djs have taken Instagram live to a whole NOTHA level (Mad TV reference). If you are usually out and about on a Saturday night try joining any of the amazing live DJ sets. Each live has a different vibe so you're sue to find a set to fit your musical preferences. Fun tip: It feels like you're club hopping if you meet up in different lives with friends and interact in the chats!
Here's are a few schedule fun lives:
Presents Quest Lovers Rock.
Vibe: Slow Jams When: Saturday 7 p.m. PT
Vibe: EDM, Hip Hop, House, Pop, etc When: Saturday 7 pm PT (every night)
Lady Set Go
Vibe: R&B
When: Every every Friday, Sunday and Tuesday (times pending)
Follow her on IG where she'll keep you updated @ladysetgo
Dj D Nice
Social Distancing Dance Party
Vibe: Hip Hop + R&B
*This is the closest you're gonna get to a celebrity sighting. Everyone from Michell Obama to Janet Jackson.
When: No live announced for the weekend (yet) but worth keeping tabs on!

For this you don't have to go too far. Pack a snack (or full course meal if you're extra like me), grab a blanket and layout on the nearest area of grass or flat land (front yard, backyard, patio, etc). A nice book or a playlist can act as your entertainment as you sit out and enjoy how nice the sky looks!

If you want to get in a good laugh and kill time this is great way to do so. Whatever your humor or general interest there is a warm hole of videos for you to fall into. And if your are a real extrovert trying out the challenges might be right up your alley!

If you usually run an errand or two on the weekend take some time to get things together INSIDE your home. Declutter the part of the house you have been putting off. Reorganize a space. Rearrange your room. Unless you are a complete minimalist there is something for you to fix up around the house!
Hopefully these little things can keep you occupied this weekend. If you have any suggestions for fun #stayhome weekend at activities feel free to leave them in the comments below!